Epoque Prints

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Epoque Prints<style type="text/css"><!-- td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} --></style> <span data-sheets-value='{"1":2,"2":"Epoque Prints by Epoque perfectly allows each woman to express their individuality and personal style. These designed prints can be elegantly stitched according to their personal liking. They can mix and match different prints to produce their own masterpieces."}' data-sheets-userformat='{"2":12801,"3":{"1":0},"12":0,"15":"Calibri, sans-serif","16":12}'>Epoque Prints perfectly allows each woman to express their individuality and personal style. These designed prints can be elegantly stitched according to their personal liking. They can mix and match different prints to produce their own masterpieces.</span>